
Showing posts from September, 2013

Cerita Seorang Mualaf

May Allah Bless Us Assalamualaikum wbt and hai evelibody.. kejadian berlaku di Secret Recipe IM, jam 12 lebih, 9/8/2013 (Sunday).. a chinese customer came into SR.. aku lah yang pergi serve and ambil order dia and hantar setting sudu garfu untuk dia.. our conversation started when i was setting the spoon and chopstick at his table.. dia tanya, "gaji dekat sini berapa?" i said , " dalam 900 lebih la..basic 900..erm nak dekat one thousand something.".. he said, "ooo..i kerja dekat hidayah centre..gaji 1000 o.." i don't even know ada hidayah centre dekat situ.. but when i heard the company's name, it must be islamic punye company.. then he said that tempat tu macam islamik punye tempatla.. ajar tentang agama islam.. in my mind, "thennnn~~" he said, "i actually revert to Islam".. i was like eyes getting bigger u know..terharu, gembira and i am very happy for him.. alhamdulillah bertambah la...