
What to Pack for University – Essentials

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم   Assalamualaikum wbt & good day everyone Moving to university can be exciting, but packing can feel overwhelming.  Here’s a quick guide that I want to share on what essentials to bring. ---- Clothing & Attire Enough casual and comfortable clothes for daily wear, a few formal outfits for presentations or events, and activewear. "Pack only what you’ll actually wear, not your entire wardrobe!" Toiletries Basics like toothpaste, shampoo, soap, deodorant. Mention packing enough for the first month and buying more later to save space. Electronic Devices Laptop, charger, power bank, and any study gadgets like a tablet or calculator. Power strips and extension cords are a must, especially in shared dorms. Bedding Pillow, bedsheets, blanket, and a mattress protector. Dorm mattresses can be uncomfortable, so a mattress topper can help. University Registration Documents ID, university documents. and any important paperwork (like passport photos, bank info

Starting University? 5 Things You Must Prepare For!

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم  Assalamualaikum wbt & good day everyone First & foremost, congratulations on making it to university! It's an exciting journey ahead. University life is not just transition from high school but university life is about being able to live independently. It can be a bit overwhelming, but here are 5 essential tips to help you in preparing your university life! 1. Understand the Basics Firstly, you need to understand the basic life of university. When I mentioned about basics, what I mean is the orientation. I know the orientation can be boring (I admit it as well when I entered the uni life.hahaha) . But actually it was good to attend the orientation because you'll be able to understand your uni structure more (which I hope they organized the orientation program well) . Learn where the key resources such as the libraries, student centre or services and pusat kesihatan pelajar or uni. You need to understand your course requirement - like credits, co

Palestine Will be Free

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم  Assalamualaikum wbt & good day everyone As we all well aware about the Palestine - Israel issues All the media keep messing up their statement They opened up the broadcast channel just wasting time to debate all of the things that we already knew They keep on pushing people to agree with their statement To agree that Israel is not wrong We know who is wrong We know who is right They know as well but they deny it If they are targeting Hamas only, why do they targeting the citizens Including the hospital, where people get their treatment Telling people to get out from their house, to go to a safe place and then bombed them on the street. That is a bad strategy, you are just showing that you are doing genocide The mosque and church had been bombed You are not targeting the muslim only, you are targeting all people of the Palestine no matter what religion they are Genocide (Oxford Languages) the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular na


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم  Assalamualaikum wbt & good day everyone Bila ada masa 'pause' yang Allah beri sebentar dalam kehidupan ini, banyak perkara yang saya refleksi. Disamping mempunyai ruang untuk membaca & berfikir banyak perkara tentang kehidupan. Recently saya berminat dengan topik prinsip & pendirian. Mungkin juga sebab saya sedang membaca buku berkaitan dengan perkara ini. Apabila membaca & mendengar kisah-kisah orang yang mempunyai prinsip & pendirian, terasa sangat termotivasi. Saya pun tertanya pada diri sendiri, adakah selama ini saya hanya menjadi lalang yang tidak mempunyai prinsip & pendirian? Lalang akan bergerak ikut arus angin tanpa bantahan.  Angin datang dari barat, maka ke baratlah ia pergi. Angin datang dari timur, ke timurlah ia pergi.  Tidak pula ia berusaha untuk mempertahankan dirinya daripada megikuti arus angin tersebut.  Begitulah saya membuat perumpamaan untuk merefleksi diri sendiri. Bukanlah kerana ingin mengkhianati 'a

Tentang Memilih

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Assalamualaikum wbt & good day everyone Dalam kehidupan ini, kita sentiasa berhadapan dengan pilihan. Even nak memilih small things for example, nak pakai baju mana, brooch mana satu, kecik atau besar, nak makan apa (soalan paling susah nak dapat jawapan yang firm.hahaha) , dan macam-macam lagilah. Sehingga kepada pemilihan perkara yang memberi kesan besar terhadap kehidupan, contohnya, karier, pasangan, tempat tinggal, kenderaan, investment, financial, etc. Baru-baru ini juga saya berhadapan dengan pilihan karier. Syarikat dan kerjaya yang mana perlu saya pilih. It's quite a tough decision juga nak buat. Perlu timbang tara perkara at the present & future as well. Perlu timbang tara juga antara career development & what I want to keep for myself. Istikharah. Sudah tentu. Tiada tempat lain yang kita boleh minta jawapan melainkan hanya kepada Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui & Mengatur urusan hambaNya. Sepanjang masa yang diberikan untuk menetapkan ja